Jen pro pripomenuti, jak byly reportovany budgety u MCU tocenych v UK versus realita:
"Well, those numbers were before the UK tax reimbursements but even after those were deducted (-15% for Quantumania and -17.8% for The Marvels), Quantumania cost 330.1M and The Marvels 307.4M. Some more fun numbers:
Multiverse of Madness was 414.9M before the UK tax reimbursement and 350.6M after.
Eternals was 272.6M before the UK tax reimbursement and 236.2M after.
Black Widow was 288.5M before the UK tax reimbursement and 247.5M after.
The budgets for all three were originally reported as being 200M by the trades. So I don't believe the 180M number for Cap 4 for a second. But we'll never know what the actual cost was because Cap wasn't shot in the UK so they never have to release the real budget."
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