Velmi zaujimave su reporty priamo zo sudnej siene ohladom poroty:
They don't even look at her while she's testifying. Several of them have given up and visibly show their frustration and anger with her. They actively avoid her gaze as she stares at them trying to find anyone on her side. Amber fully ignores Juror 9 as he 100% does not believe her and is by far the most expressive of the jury. One woman who was among the most difficult to read accidentally let loose a laugh when lightning struck during Mondays testimony. The jury is not on her side.
A este ma pobavila info o tom, ako sa Amber so svojou hlavnou pravnickou Elaine neznasaju, Amber na svoj tim doslova hadzala vinu este aj pocas svojej vypovede a vcera bolo pocut cez zavrete dvere ako Elaine vrieska na Amber: "If you don't like it...represent yourself"
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