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Diskuze k článku Hráči se smrtí: Trailer

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Jj, pokračování, potvrdil to přímo Kiefer.

“I play a professor at the medical university. It is never stated but it will probably be very clearly understood that I’m the same character I was in the original Flatliners but that I have changed my name and I’ve done some things to move on from the experiments that we were doing in the original film. I loved making the first film and when I was asked if I would be interested in taking part in this, it didn’t take more than a minute to say yes.” link
Jj, pokračování, potvrdil to přímo Kiefer. “I play a professor at the medical university. It is never stated but it will probably be very clearly understood that I’m the same character I was in the original Flatliners but that I have changed my name and I’ve done some things to move on from the experiments that we were doing in the original film. I loved making the first film and when I was asked if I would be interested in taking part in this, it didn’t take more than a minute to say yes.” http://metro.co.uk/2016/07/27/kiefer-sutherland-reveals-who-hes-playing-in-the-flatliners-reboot-6032883/
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to je pokračovanie a nie remake?
to je pokračovanie a nie remake?
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