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Diskuze k článku Jason je tu zas. Brousí mačetu a láme vaz.

příspěvky 1 - 3 Napsat příspěvek


Imho to od killnutí Davida Cronenberga šlo do... kosmu. :-)
Imho to od killnutí Davida Cronenberga šlo do... kosmu. :-)
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A první vyjádření tvůrců k zápletce filmu:

Although this picture is rumored to be a remake, we've been told it may be more of a "re-envisionment" of the series. From our anonymous scooper, we've were informed that Michael Bay and Platinum Dunes apparently WANTED to remake it but would said "let's do something different" instead. New Line was super cool with it. So the next 'Friday' more of an ULTIMATE FRIDAY THE 13th... if you know anything about the Marvel comics ULTIMATE series.

Basically, the plan (which can still change) is takes place after part 1 and shows Jason killing and becoming the monster we know and love. Getting the potato sack mask and the hockey mask, etc...
A první vyjádření tvůrců k zápletce filmu: Although this picture is rumored to be a remake, we've been told it may be more of a "re-envisionment" of the series. From our anonymous scooper, we've were informed that Michael Bay and Platinum Dunes apparently WANTED to remake it but would said "let's do something different" instead. New Line was super cool with it. So the next 'Friday' more of an ULTIMATE FRIDAY THE 13th... if you know anything about the Marvel comics ULTIMATE series. Basically, the plan (which can still change) is takes place after part 1 and shows Jason killing and becoming the monster we know and love. Getting the potato sack mask and the hockey mask, etc...
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Jason X bola náhodou guilty pleasure - klasické béčko, ktoré je také zlé, až je zábavné...
Jason X bola náhodou guilty pleasure - klasické béčko, ktoré je také zlé, až je zábavné...
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