Druckman: "When I signed on a lot of it was very similar," Gross revealed. "We did a lot of iterations on what that last act looked like, but the final beat was that Ellie would kill Abby. About halfway through production, we changed that and had Ellie let go at the last second to [illustrate] that some little part of the old Ellie, the Ellie with humanity, the Ellie that is impacted by Joel, still exists within this character who has been so overtaken by her quest for revenge."
takže chvilku ta hra byla dobrá Impacted by Joel mě fakt baví, Joel by Abby roztrhal na malý kousíčky, kdyby něco udělala Ellie. Frajer byl úplně nekompromisní hajzl, nedůvěřivej, co hrál jen na sebe... a pak se nechal cizíma lidma nalákat do boudy... ale co už. Dobrá hra tak či tak.