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Diskuze k článku Horizont: Americká sága: Trailer

příspěvky 61 - 73 Napsat příspěvek

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“Trailers have always been kind of a favorite part for me, even as a boy going to the movies,” Costner said, grinning as he unveiled the first footage in a virtual conversation with journalists. “You’re obviously there to see the movie you want, but isn’t it kind of cool when you see what’s coming? … And with that in mind, I did my very best to expose what’s going to be a four-part saga.”

“Can they, in a sense, feel themselves in this movie? Because that’s what I want people to feel in the dark, that [it] suddenly just absorbs them,” Costner teased. “We all know what happens when the lights go out — either something good, something average or something great. What I hope is that this is something that stays with them forever.”

“This is by far the biggest struggle,” Costner declared when asked if ‘Horizon’ or ‘Dances with Wolves’ was more difficult to make. “I’m shocked at what we were able to get. I shot ‘Dances’ for 106 days, I shot the movie you’re just seeing right now in 52. … I did learn a lot and I was able to use every trick in the book to try to bring this movie to ground and to bring it to an audience. And there’s four of them!”

“It’s hard to fall out of love. I don’t do that,” Costner said. “Things that have a classic feel they don’t fall out of touch either. I think they exist in any decade. That’s the opportunity we have in cinema is to make something that lasts past its opening weekend. I’ve never banked on opening weekends; I banked on people wanting to revisit something.”

At the end of the day, Costner hopes to achieve a couple goals. “I want my little girl to see what her great, great, great-grandmother went through,” he said of his personal investment in the story. But on a broader scale, he hopes the ride is worth moviegoers’ money.

“The oldest profession is telling stories around a fire. We all want to hear a good one and we don’t want somebody to waste our time. And I take my time, I hope I don’t waste your time,” Costner said. “I made four of these. I’d like for us to all take those journeys and try to have a high understanding of this first one. The second one’s already shot. I’m out there, heading west again, pushing a rock uphill trying to make the third one. I know I’m a little bit kind of a joke, or it’s maybe humorous to even watch me, because it’s like, ‘Whoa, I wonder when he’s going to ever stop digging.’ I don’t know.”

Celý je to tady  link
“Trailers have always been kind of a favorite part for me, even as a boy going to the movies,” Costner said, grinning as he unveiled the first footage in a virtual conversation with journalists. “You’re obviously there to see the movie you want, but isn’t it kind of cool when you see what’s coming? … And with that in mind, I did my very best to expose what’s going to be a four-part saga.” “Can they, in a sense, feel themselves in this movie? Because that’s what I want people to feel in the dark, that [it] suddenly just absorbs them,” Costner teased. “We all know what happens when the lights go out — either something good, something average or something great. What I hope is that this is something that stays with them forever.” “This is by far the biggest struggle,” Costner declared when asked if ‘Horizon’ or ‘Dances with Wolves’ was more difficult to make. “I’m shocked at what we were able to get. I shot ‘Dances’ for 106 days, I shot the movie you’re just seeing right now in 52. … I did learn a lot and I was able to use every trick in the book to try to bring this movie to ground and to bring it to an audience. And there’s four of them!” “It’s hard to fall out of love. I don’t do that,” Costner said. “Things that have a classic feel they don’t fall out of touch either. I think they exist in any decade. That’s the opportunity we have in cinema is to make something that lasts past its opening weekend. I’ve never banked on opening weekends; I banked on people wanting to revisit something.” At the end of the day, Costner hopes to achieve a couple goals. “I want my little girl to see what her great, great, great-grandmother went through,” he said of his personal investment in the story. But on a broader scale, he hopes the ride is worth moviegoers’ money. “The oldest profession is telling stories around a fire. We all want to hear a good one and we don’t want somebody to waste our time. And I take my time, I hope I don’t waste your time,” Costner said. “I made four of these. I’d like for us to all take those journeys and try to have a high understanding of this first one. The second one’s already shot. I’m out there, heading west again, pushing a rock uphill trying to make the third one. I know I’m a little bit kind of a joke, or it’s maybe humorous to even watch me, because it’s like, ‘Whoa, I wonder when he’s going to ever stop digging.’ I don’t know.” Celý je to tady  https://variety.com/2024/film/news/horizon-trailer-kevin-costner-western-movie-1235922515/
Jo, je tam srdíčko...
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Použitím hudby a pomalejším strihom traileru to má nádych/atmosféru tých veľkých, epických filmov, ktoré sa točili v minulosti. A je to nádhera. Ale.... Myslím, že preceňujú úspech Yellowstonu a hviezdnosti Costnera a že to bude finančný prúser. Možno i na úrovni Nebeskej bráni. Ale strašne rád sa budem mýliť. P.S Sienna Miller je stále neskutočne krásna. 
Použitím hudby a pomalejším strihom traileru to má nádych/atmosféru tých veľkých, epických filmov, ktoré sa točili v minulosti. A je to nádhera. Ale.... Myslím, že preceňujú úspech Yellowstonu a hviezdnosti Costnera a že to bude finančný prúser. Možno i na úrovni Nebeskej bráni. Ale strašne rád sa budem mýliť. P.S Sienna Miller je stále neskutočne krásna. 
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