Tak THR uz vcera reportovalo, ze to s cinskou premierou No Way Home nevypada dobre: "With diplomatic tensions between Beijing and Washington at a nadir, Hollywood’s China business lines are hitting fresh lows. U.S. film imports are now at their lowest levels in a generation and various major studio features, including popular superhero titles Spider-Man: No Way Home and Venom: Let There Be Carnage from Sony-Marvel, still have no release dates. Their chances of getting the green light are becoming slimmer by the day as the year winds down, analysts say.".
Kdyz se navic podivam na nejvetsi filmy pristich 4-5 mesicu, tak Morbius a Dr. Strange tam asi maji stopku automaticky (duchove, upiri, demoni a tyhle bytosti byli v Cine "no no" i predtim), to same Top Gun, Batman ma zas zkorumpovanou policii...
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