Diskuze k článku Sonygate #2.5: Premiéra The Interview zrušena
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Anonymous už dříve uváděli, že pokud film neuvede Sony, postarají se o to sami. Takže je to takovej win win. Ještě to slibované VOD, které by možná mělo být také ve čtvrtek.
Tak Obama ukázal nečekaně koule
ALe teda doprdele, FBI potvrdila, že je za tím fakt Severní Korea, to jsem opravdu nečekal
ALe teda doprdele, FBI potvrdila, že je za tím fakt Severní Korea, to jsem opravdu nečekal
Jj, Paramount zakázal promítat místo The Interview Team America. Strach je holt cesta k temné straně...
Někde na mě vyskočilo, že tam kde měli promítat Team America tak to zase pro změnu zakázalo to studio. WTF?!
Clooney promlouva, zajimave... link
"With just a little bit of work, you could have found out that it wasn’t just probably North Korea; it was North Korea. The Guardians Oof Peace is a phrase that Nixon used when he visited China. When asked why he was helping South Korea, he said it was because we are the Guardians of Peace. Here, we’re talking about an actual country deciding what content we’re going to have. This affects not just movies, this affects every part of business that we have. That’s the truth. What happens if a newsroom decides to go with a story, and a country or an individual or corporation decides they don’t like it? Forget the hacking part of it. You have someone threaten to blow up buildings, and all of a sudden everybody has to bow down. Sony didn’t pull the movie because they were scared; they pulled the movie because all the theaters said they were not going to run it.... "
"With just a little bit of work, you could have found out that it wasn’t just probably North Korea; it was North Korea. The Guardians Oof Peace is a phrase that Nixon used when he visited China. When asked why he was helping South Korea, he said it was because we are the Guardians of Peace. Here, we’re talking about an actual country deciding what content we’re going to have. This affects not just movies, this affects every part of business that we have. That’s the truth. What happens if a newsroom decides to go with a story, and a country or an individual or corporation decides they don’t like it? Forget the hacking part of it. You have someone threaten to blow up buildings, and all of a sudden everybody has to bow down. Sony didn’t pull the movie because they were scared; they pulled the movie because all the theaters said they were not going to run it.... "
Pro budoucnost a možný precedens je to špatná zpráva, ale je třeba kriticky zhodnotit hranici za kterou už nejít (nevytvářet film o atentátu na vůdce Severní Koreje). Nepromítání filmu tomuto dílu udělalo ovšem obrovskou reklamu.
studo: Tak ty možná víš, jak to po té zpravodajské masáži vysvětlit podělaným rodinkám, že mají jít do kina, ale provozovatelé se po hodně slabém roce chtějí aspoň trochu nabalit o Vánocích a tak minimalizují riziko. Sony od toho dávalo ruce pryč a náklady jim uhradí pojistka, takže...?? A o kolik více mohlo TDKR udělat o víkendu a potom i celkově v Americe... ne, nechce se mi k tomu vracet. ;)
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